Supertron Sensing Pte. Ltd.

Navigating the Importance of Chamber Calibration Services in Singapore: A Comprehensive Overview

Many products require temperature testing as part of their manufacturing process, and climatic chambers play a vital role in it. A temperature difference of just one degree can have a significant impact on industrial, bio-based, automotive, and electronic products. Therefore, regular calibration of climatic chambers is critical to ensure proper use and, most importantly, reliable outcomes. Calibration involves verifying and modifying their performance to meet specified standards. It ensures that the sensors and controls of a chamber precisely replicate the required environmental conditions. Similar to other measurement devices, the calibration of a climatic chamber alters over time. Hence, periodic on-site chamber calibration services are required to ensure its accuracy and optimal performance. 

So, let us delve into the benefits of calibrating climatic chambers as well as the factors that influence their calibration frequency. 

Benefits of On-Site Chamber Calibration Services

On-site chamber calibration services
  1. Precision 

Regular calibration can help to preserve the accuracy of climatic chambers. It contributes to the reduction of any risks and potential concerns that can develop as a result of incorrect measurements.

  1. Consistency 

When a climatic chamber is not calibrated on a regular basis, it generates inconsistent outcomes, making it difficult to derive valid conclusions.

  1. Adherence

Calibrated chambers ensure compliance with industry regulations and government standards, allowing them to be utilized safely. 

  1. Traceability 

Certificates are issued following each calibration of a climatic chamber, and these are useful in tracking deviations and establishing a proper calibration interval. 

The Frequency of Calibration

The main purpose of on-site chamber calibration services is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your equipment. As regular use of climatic chambers exposes them to potential performance concerns, periodic calibration helps with maintaining their efficiency. The frequency of using on-site chamber calibration services will be determined by the following factors.

  1. Manufacturer Recommendations

The climatic chamber manufacturers often include information on when and how to undertake calibration. 

  1. Before or After an Important Project

Before starting a major project, it is critical to ensure that the climatic chamber is functioning properly. However, if the chamber is used excessively during the project, it should be calibrated again once the project is completed, as frequent heavy use can adversely impact accuracy and performance.

  1. Duration and Frequency of Use 

Ideally, the duration and frequency of use should establish whether or not a recalibration is required. This indicates that the recalibration process should be personalized for each piece of equipment.

  1. Equipment Trauma 

Equipment trauma is inevitable. The most prevalent one involving climatic chambers is internal overload, which is typically a result of prolonged use. When there is an overload, the chamber should be recalibrated before the next use.   

How to Select the Right Calibration Laboratory?

When looking for a laboratory to calibrate your climatic chambers, it is best to focus on their competence and compliance with the latest standards. The guidelines listed below will also help you make an informed decision. 

  1. Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Laboratory

While both accredited and non-accredited laboratories can offer calibration services, it is crucial to understand what accreditation entails. Once a professional calibration lab meets the official criteria established by accredited entities, which may include the lab environment, staff, and traceability, it becomes an accredited lab. 

  1. Accurate Measurement Testing 

Ensuring precision is the purpose of calibration, as it leads to reliable outcomes. Therefore, when selecting a calibration lab, make sure they provide accurate tools for the test. 

  1. Calibration Certificate 

A reputed calibration service provider will offer a calibration certificate. It contains calibration information and serves as verification that the equipment is properly calibrated. 

Supertron Sensing – Your Trusted Chamber Calibration Company in Singapore

Climatic chamber downtime can be quite costly for a business as it delays output and inhibits research and development. However, working with a reliable company that offers on-site chamber calibration services in accordance with a set schedule can help you stay on track. 

Are you searching for a reputed provider of chamber calibration services in Singapore? Then, look no further than Supertron Sensing. We offer on-site chamber calibration services and chamber mapping services for your convenience. By having us visit your premises, you can focus on what you do best while we keep your climatic chambers calibrated and ready for use. For any inquiries, contact us today!

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